Makana's Municipality's first quarterly financial report revealed serious underspending and tempers flared at Monday's Ordinary Council meeting as councillors fired questions at officials.
Makana's Municipality's first quarterly financial report revealed serious underspending and tempers flared at Monday's Ordinary Council meeting as councillors fired questions at officials.
DA Councillor Michael Whisson pointed out that this July – September 2010 financial report was the conclusion of the first quarter and they should have spent at least 25% of the capital budget. However, reading the capital expenditure as at 30 September he noted that only R3 million had been spent, while the approved spending was just under R45 million.
Looking at the operating income and expenditure he said it was "disturbing" that Social Services and Technical Services, which were key to service delivery, had underspent by something like a million, whereas Corporate Services and Finance had overspent by roughly the same amount.
He said it seemed that the business of the municipality was going "seriously awry" if it was capable of spending the bulk of capital on management rather than on service delivery.
Makana Municipal Manager Ntombi Baart said this report had been discussed by the Senior Management Team and she was waiting for an assessment of it.
Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana said he was not satisfied with this response. "So now where are we?" he asked.
Baart said the Senior Management Team's assessment, due to be finalised yesterday, would answer that question. "I find the Municipal Manager's remarks on this extremely unhealthy," Whisson said. He said this meant they were not being properly informed about the council's status.
"We have figures in front of us that show serious underspending and we are told that in a week or two there is going to be a meeting and the state of the underspending will be discussed by officials and will be reverted back to council. "I find that totally unsatisfactory and is actually insulting to councillors".
Baart then revealed that some expenditure had not been reconciled. She said the Senior Management Team had recommended that a true reflection of expenditure needed to be obtained, and this was the reason for the assessment.