Pro Merito Colours was awarded to Pete Andrew by the National Secretariat of University Sport South Africa (USSA) at the recent Rhodes University Sports Council Awards Dinner.
Pro Merito Colours was awarded to Pete Andrew by the National Secretariat of University Sport South Africa (USSA) at the recent Rhodes University Sports Council Awards Dinner.
Andrew attended Kingswood College and Rhodes University where his sporting and administrative abilities in both cricket and hockey came to the fore. Andrew represented the EP Country Districts Hockey team for 21 consecutive years and played hockey for SA Country Districis for four of these.
He has also played EP Masters hockey for the past 15 years. He has performed consistently at the highest level both on and off the field, but it is as a sports administrator that he has made his mark on student sport in particular over the years. It is for this that he has being honoured.
He was employed as the Senior Sports Officer at Rhodes University in 1984 and in 1991 he was appointed Head of Sport at Rhodes, a position that he held for 15 years. The years at Rhodes Univeristy marked the start of his legacy, which included his unwaivering commitment to the transformation of student sport, both at Rhodes and on a national level, during difficult and challenging times.
Andrew served on the executive committee of the SA Students Cricket Association for 21 years, during which time he managed the SA Students Cricket team for four years. He was also a member of the National Sports Council Executive Committee for six years. He was a member, and then chairperson, of the executive committee of the SA Students Hockey Association from 1999 to 2004.