Joza residents have to take a taxi to access the world via the internet. But if Vuyolwethu Nekile’s dream comes true this will soon change. He hopes to open an internet café in Nompondo Street opposite Noluthando Hall this month.
Joza residents have to take a taxi to access the world via the internet. But if Vuyolwethu Nekile’s dream comes true this will soon change. He hopes to open an internet café in Nompondo Street opposite Noluthando Hall this month.
A week after Grocott’s Mail published a story on the ex-offender, Nekile received two secondhand computers from the Rhodes Centre for Social Development.
Two days later Noxy Majola, a Rhodes student who had also read the report, donated another computer. This inspired Nekile to pursue his longtime dream of opening the first internet cafe in Joza.
Nekile mobilised two other ex-offenders, Fundile Stofile and Nzule Faxi to join him in this business venture.
They have since formed an organisation called Life Goes On, which aims to combine their resources to make their internet dream come true.
They are also raising funds for fittings, furniture and printers as well as the internet connections. “Because of lack of funds we will start small with only three computers and the business will grow bigger as we go on,” said Nekile.
Nekile said they have finally secured a space in a small building next to their car wash, which they will be renting for R600 a month.
They were thrilled because previous applications for a space in the underutilised municipal building on Sani Street had been turned down several times. “We are not only focussing on the internet as a business,” said Nekile.
“We want the place to be more of an information centre, where community members can come and access information, such as job opportunities.”
He added that it is a shame that in this era of technology, young people living in the township have no access to basic computer skills and know nothing about ways of communication such as the internet. They intend to teach the youth basic computer skills and encourage them to open email accounts.