AT a Community Policing Forum (CPF) meeting held at the end of July, Brigadier Morgan Govender said that the Grahamstown police have been on the look-out for new members. “People can start applying for police positions with or without driver’s licences, the intake is from 18 to 30-year olds, preferably Grahamstown residents,” he said.
AT a Community Policing Forum (CPF) meeting held at the end of July, Brigadier Morgan Govender said that the Grahamstown police have been on the look-out for new members. “People can start applying for police positions with or without driver’s licences, the intake is from 18 to 30-year olds, preferably Grahamstown residents,” he said.
Govender said that the training period has been extended from six to twelve months and the reason why the recruitment aims for locals is because they know Grahamstown better.
“In the past we have had trained police who are recruited from other towns to work at our police station, most of them of them applied for a transfer to go back to work at their own towns,” he said.
Applicants should be energetic, intelligent, medically and mentally fit individuals who have not been found guilty or charged with any criminal offence.
They should also be dedicated to serve the community. In order to apply one should be in possession of a Grade 12 Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification and be able to read, write and speak two official languages, one of which you must be English.
Applicants should have no visible tattoos and not be shorter than 1.60 metres for men and 1.55 metres for women.
According to Captain Mali Govender, application forms can be obtained at the recruitment office at your nearest police station.
Only original application forms must be submitted and any copies will not be considered. All application forms should be accompanied by a certified Identity Document, driver’s licence (if applicable), certificates of all qualifications obtained, study records of all qualifications, a testimonial from a school or religious body and service certificates of the most recent previous employer. For further information, contact the Recruitment Officer Louise Welcome on 046 603 9111.