Hendrik Kanise Combined School in Alicedale has been without a Grade 10, 11 and 12 Maths and Physical Science teacher since the start of the school term last week.
Hendrik Kanise Combined School in Alicedale has been without a Grade 10, 11 and 12 Maths and Physical Science teacher since the start of the school term last week.
On Monday morning, a mob of dissatisfied learners, teachers and parents of the school marched to the local Department of Education, where they held a protest outside the offices.
This was after Thembile Sandi, the current Maths and Physical Science teacher, had applied for and been accepted to occupy a temporary post at Nathaniel Nyaluza Secondary School.
The learners, teachers and members of the School Governing Body (SGB) at Hendrik Kanise disapproved Sandi’s decision, saying that he had never signed a release form from the school to confirm his
This sparked frustration, especially among the matric learners, who are to due to write their trial exams at the end of August.
Deputy Chairperson of the SGB, Sicelo Cakana feels that the department has been unfair towards them and has been side-lining them in the decision making.
“I am hurt that there is still no Maths and Science teacher at the school and I am more worried about our children who need to learn. The department is failing to follow the same laws that it has put in place for us to follow,” said Cakana.
Reflecting on the department’s intervention on Sandi’s transfer,District Education Director Amos Fetsha said “The resolution of Sandi’s transfer remained with the educational superintendent and as the department we could not stand in his way.
Anyways he always had interest in leaving Alicedale for Grahamstown at some point this year.” After submitting a memorandum to the department officials, the protesting mob refused to leave without a response on the matter.
At a special meeting with select members from the school, it was agreed that a replacement teacher would havem to be at the school no later than Wednesday 21 July.
But the department failed to send a teacher on Wednesday, so the new, temporary Maths and Science teacher was expected to start work yesterday.
The SGB expressed their relief now that the learners finally have a replacement teacher and that there won’t be any more disturbances.
“We feel free about the new teacher, what was hurting us was that our children were not getting taught,” Cakana declared.