Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana said at Wednesday’s special council meeting that the municipality has contacted the office of the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe, to schedule a meeting, which should take place soon.
Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana said at Wednesday’s special council meeting that the municipality has contacted the office of the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe, to schedule a meeting, which should take place soon.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the High Court relocation. This resolution was proposed by ANC councillor Zamuxolo Peter in last month’s special council meeting, contesting DA councillor Michael Whisson’s proposal that a recommendation be added alongside the existing recommendations for the council to endorse the “excellent” letter and memorandum written by Grahamstown High Court Action Committee’s chairperson, Thabo Makgoba.
The letter was sent to the municipality to lobby support for the campaign to retain the seat of the High Court in Grahamstown.
Peter said, “We have our own internal processes to be undertaken. Let us not have a delegation visiting the minister,but the Mayor could facilitate the Minister or a representative from his office to come down and engage with council on this matter.”
During this week’s council meeting, Lwana said,“When the council took the resolution, the Municipal Manager and myself followed up with the Justice Minister.”
He added that there is a growth in support to retain the seat of the High Court and “we have a lot of influential people in this matter”.
Makana Municipal Manager Ntombi Baart confirmed Lwana’s statement adding that “confirmation was received that they will come down”.