Makana Municipality is currently showing an interest in kaolin mining and has recently undertaken a benchmarking study to inform a small scale mining strategy and policy for the municipality.
Makana Municipality is currently showing an interest in kaolin mining and has recently undertaken a benchmarking study to inform a small scale mining strategy and policy for the municipality.
The kaolin project, which was approved by council in 2007, is a private/public partnership between the municipality; the Eastern Cape Development Corporation (EDCD); Zenzele, a subsidiary of the Department of Trade and Industry; and the Eastern Cape Socio Economic Consultative Council (ECSECC).
The objective is to ensure that the maximum benefit is extracted from the kaolin as a resource to benefit the local community.
According to a progress report of Local Economic Development (LED) projects in a recent special council meeting, the municipality conducted extensive research to assess municipal land containing deposits of kaolin.
The ECSECC, in partnership with the municipality, commissioned Urban Econ: Development Economists to conduct a study on communities and municipalities in mining initiatives and to advise appropriate benchmarks and practices for the Grahamstown area.
“At this stage we are preparing for the implementation of the recommendations of the benchmarking study, which among other things involves the development of a mining strategy,” said Makana’s LED director, Riana Meiring.
Once the strategy is completed the municipality’s focus will be on programmes or projects that could facilitate economic growth and development in the small scale mining sector such as establishing partnerships and developing and auditing bylaws relating to mining.
Meiring said that the formation of a mining trust is being finalised which will be responsible for the distribution of mining rights to small scale miners.
A steering committee of the shareholders will implement the recommendations that result from the benchmarking study.
Meiring says the municipality’s approach to mining is similar to any other economic development initiative: to stimulate and facilitate economic growth and development through creating a conducive environment, establishing partnerships and attracting investment.
This will be done through the development of an investment promotion plan which will be part of the mining strategy.
Meiring said that the municipality will not be involved in the mining itself as The Kaolin Forum and a community trust has been established to manage the mining rights for the small scale miners.
According to Meiring, the project has had a positive response from the community, where the Kaolin Mining Forum has been briefing the community on the development since the process was started.
“Most people have indicated their desire to organise themselves by establishing co-operatives in order to benefit as small scale miners,” she said.
The number of potential jobs to be created through the project is unclear at this stage. This will only be clear until the small micro and medium sized enterprises that will be involved are established and start operating, said Meiring.