“Phillip! it is here!” said a friend of mine on Facebook this week. She was making fun of the national World Cup slogan “Feel it, it is here.” To tell you the truth I hadn’t felt it until last week.
“Phillip! it is here!” said a friend of mine on Facebook this week. She was making fun of the national World Cup slogan “Feel it, it is here.” To tell you the truth I hadn’t felt it until last week.
I think my brain was blocking out anything that had to do with the World Cup. This is because everywhere I walk people are wearing yellow shirts, flags are flying all over the place, shops are cluttered with yellow soccer goodies and even taxi drivers have the fever.
It almost drove me to an state of near-fatal depression. The only thing I knew was that I was bent on wanting Benni “Belly” McCarthy out of the national squad.
I once told a friend that Belly’s arrogance will be his undoing and I was right. He was sidelined from the squad and he will now watch the matches from his basement, hoping that Bafana will lose.
But now that it’s finally here, I’m really excited. Today’s game will be easy peasy for the local boys. I trust them, I know they are going to do us proud.
This afternoon the boys will play against the Mexicans. Between you and me, I don’t think the Mexicans stand a chance against Bafana.
See, they are vertically challenged and it might be a little difficult for them to get hold of the ball if Bafana keeps heading for the goal posts.
If Bafana do play against the lithping Thpaniards (Spaniards) I’m thure we’ll win.Those boys are so self-absorbed that the only thing they’ll be concerned about is their hair gel. Enough said.
Moving on, earlier this week it was reported that SAFA promised to pay each of the local boys R3.5-million and a brand new Mercedes each if they win the World Cup.
What more can a lazy soccer player ask for? They are going to play until their tendons and ligaments get torn to pieces! I reckon the Cup will remain in South Africa.
This country will be the first to win the World Cup in Africa. Go Bafana Bafana, go! Make us proud, we depend on you. Now all I need is someone to wake me up from this dream!