“Let us all pray that God will bless the World Cup!” said Archbishop Thabo Makgoba last week as he launched
a special prayer for the tournament.
“It is a short and simple prayer which is easy to learn, and I hope many people, of many backgrounds, will join me in praying it daily in the coming weeks,” added the Archbishop of Cape Town.
“Let us all pray that God will bless the World Cup!” said Archbishop Thabo Makgoba last week as he launched
a special prayer for the tournament.
“It is a short and simple prayer which is easy to learn, and I hope many people, of many backgrounds, will join me in praying it daily in the coming weeks,” added the Archbishop of Cape Town.
“We are asking for the well being of everyone who is in any way associated with the Fifa 2010 World Cup: players, spectators, South Africans as host nation, and everyone who travels here.”
The Archbishop’s prayer reads: God bless the 2010 World Cup Bless those who compete, and those who watch, Bless those who host, and those who visit, and help all who love ‘the beautiful game’ Grow in the love you have given us to share. Amen