In a case which Judge Judy would have described as “a whole load of bologna”, a trial held in the Grahamstown Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday lasted over two hours, all over the matter of an insult.
Few could suppress smiles as two women accused each other of verbal abuse, their comeback being “Everything I am, you are as well.”
In a case which Judge Judy would have described as “a whole load of bologna”, a trial held in the Grahamstown Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday lasted over two hours, all over the matter of an insult.
Few could suppress smiles as two women accused each other of verbal abuse, their comeback being “Everything I am, you are as well.”
Ntombekaya Isaacs was acquitted on the charge of failing to comply with a court order on Wednesday. The complainant, Lulama Dwani, accused Isaacs of verbally insulting her by calling her a “bitch”, saying that Dwani had Aids, and was “a rubbish”.
This incident allegedly took place when Dwani tried to intervene in a fight between Isaacs and her husband, who is Dwani’s brother, in 2008.
Dwani took out a protection order against Isaacs, which commanded the accused not to insult the complainant.
The accused alleged that Dwani insulted her by saying that she slept with married men. Both the complainant and the accused called on witnesses who corroborated their statements.
State Prosecutor Noluvuyo Nondze argued that the complainant gave clear evidence. She also argued that the accused admitted to violating the order by insulting the complainant with the response: “Everything I am, you are as well.”
The accused’s attorney, Luthando Magwaca, argued that the court could not convict her client as the response stated above could not be considered as an insult.
Magistrate Nicole Redpath acquitted the accused as she did not believe that the accused’s insult resulted in verbal abuse in that it was merely implied.
Cop watches mob attack man Keep your rubbish The Kowie Catchment Campaign would like to ask residents and businesses not to put out any rubbish until the municipal strike is over.
If they do it will probably end up scattered in the streets and eventually washed into our local streams. There is also the hazard of broken glass puncturing tyres and causing blow-outs with resultant injuries or death. So take your rubbish to the dump or keep it on your property until the strike is over.