HILARY Paterson’s performace of a Poulenc oboe sonata has inspired the Grahamstown Music Society (GMC) to organise a concert in Grahamstown on devoted to wind music by the Parisian twentieth-centur y composer.
HILARY Paterson’s performace of a Poulenc oboe sonata has inspired the Grahamstown Music Society (GMC) to organise a concert in Grahamstown on devoted to wind music by the Parisian twentieth-centur y composer.
The GMS is importing the fl autist Liesl Stoltz from Cape Town and the bassoonist Penelope Ives from Johannesburg, to join fi ve local muicians Jenny Brand (clarinet), Hilary Paterson (oboe), Boris Mohr (horn), and Catherine Foxcroft and Tinus Botha (piano).
The concert on 1 May will take place in the Drill Hall of St Andrew’s College at 7.30 pm. It is free for GMS members and for schoolgoers in uniform.
For the general public, tickets at R80 for adults. Tickets at R60 for pensioners and R40 for tertiary students will be available at the door.