The traffic and streetlights at the corner of Raglan and Albert Roads were scheduled to be officially switched on this week, but due to a technical problem the traffic lights were not connected.
The mayor, municipal speaker, municipal manager, and many other invited guests attended the function, scheduled for 10am on Wednesday.
The traffic and streetlights at the corner of Raglan and Albert Roads were scheduled to be officially switched on this week, but due to a technical problem the traffic lights were not connected.
The mayor, municipal speaker, municipal manager, and many other invited guests attended the function, scheduled for 10am on Wednesday.
However, shortly before 10.30am, Likhaya Ngandi, the special programmes unit officer for Makana announced that “the power does not want to come on”, so the traffic lights ‘launch’ will be postponed to a late date. However, the streetlights in the area were switched on.
In his speech Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana said the modern lights are all part of closing the gap between Fingo township and the rest of town.
In Grocott’s Mail of 1 April it was reported that the traffic lights were up and running as a response from the Makana Municipality was not received at the time of going to print.
However, Makana spokesperson Thandy Matebese said that at that time the lights had been switched on for testing only.
Matebese said the national treasury allocated funds to Makana Municipality for township renewal under the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG).
“The total allocation is R93-million, of which about R25-million is being spent on projects that could be implemented without delay.”
In November 2008 the Quick Wins projects were approved for implementation and they are as follows with estimated amount in brackets: Egazini Memorial (R2 475 000) Upgrading of Mandela Street taxi route (R10 345 500) Recreational park/playground (R4 500 000) Upgrading Raglan/Albert Street (R5 858 250) Makana LED Strategy Riebeeck East and Alicedale(R1700 000).