“Shoot the boere, they are rapists.” You must have heard it by now. To those who haven’t, well, to sum it up Julius Malema opened his mouth again.
This time in case you have had the new vuvuzela earplugs lodged in your ears he led students of the University of Johannesburg in a racist song at a student rally.
“Shoot the boere, they are rapists.” You must have heard it by now. To those who haven’t, well, to sum it up Julius Malema opened his mouth again.
This time in case you have had the new vuvuzela earplugs lodged in your ears he led students of the University of Johannesburg in a racist song at a student rally.
The ANC said they plan to take the matter up with him. But that’s another story/lie. But hey, who knows what will happen?
A miracle perhaps which might actually see them taking the matter up with him, like how he just landed himself a R50 000 fine for his comment on JZ’s lovemaking fiesta.
Not that that’s going to stop him. That’s just small change for Mr 700 grand Mercedes Benz. His continuous ranting makes me wonder whether he actually aims for headlines.
He just seems to remain South Africa’s biggest celebrity. Journalists love him. We are obsessed with him, with what he says and does.
Journos are always on the ready to pounce on his every (and very frequent) wrong move because he seems to be this out-of-control machine that just churns out absurdities. Maybe if we just ignore him he will disappear.
Just like how if I ignore the constant whining of my sisters, they seem to melt away after awhile, defeated. But he’s still there.
And so is his dirty mouth. Not too long ago he referred to Helen Zille as a Satanist, as she “demolished” churches in the Western Cape.
Independent Democrats leader Patricia de Lille wasn’t left out either when he expressed his disbelief that any man could marry her.
He continued to say that whoever married her should leave her and marry a much prettier and better mannered woman from the ANC.
Because in case you didn’t know, women from the ANC are pretty and well-mannered. It’s so strange how Malema is at liberty to say whatever he pleases about anyone who disagrees with him, but as soon as someone tries to genuinely question him, he has no other comeback other than “racist white journalists”.
To top it all our president described him as our “future leader”. The problem with the term ‘leader’ is that with leaders come followers, so if our leaders are chanting “shoot the boere” what are the followers going to do?
I’ll leave that one unanswered for now. If you have ever visited Julius’ page on Facebook, you would have noticed that one of his supporters, a bored poser perhaps, is updating the number of farm murders committed since his boere chant.
The updates are accompanied by comments such as “3 000 farmers dead since ‘94…we lost more people than that…we are far from being even…so kill the boer, kill the farmer.”
Well, maybe that’s the answer to that unanswered question. And clearly this is what Malema nd his fans think is the answer is to the injustices of the past.
But with farm murders already a problem in this country, this sort of comment just incites more violence and makes it all okay.
Especially when this sort of comment is swept under the ANC’s carpet, along with all their other dust and detritus. South Africa is meant to be this rainbow nation fairytale, where everyone, regardless of colour, is living happily ever after (as seen on TV).
We are trying so hard to embrace our diversity in our 16th year of freedom, but we just go all the way back to square one when our ‘future leader’ sings about killing boere.
Or does he not mean this killing in a literally sense? Well whether it was literal or figurative; it was not a very clever remark.
So, Julius, take my advice: take a break from sipping expensive French champagne and focus more on healing the wounds of the past instead of creating new ones.
Oh, and please don’t take this out of context. But you can take a bow, Julius, because the show was over a long time ago.