THE leadership of the Unemployed People’s Movement (UPM) will soon be sitting through ward committee
meetings in order to address the issues of lack of service delivery in several areas in Makana.
This was contained in a press statement released by the UPM last week after a meeting with Makana
THE leadership of the Unemployed People’s Movement (UPM) will soon be sitting through ward committee
meetings in order to address the issues of lack of service delivery in several areas in Makana.
This was contained in a press statement released by the UPM last week after a meeting with Makana
Mayor Vumile Lwana to address the issues raised by the UPM during its march two weeks ago.
The statement said that Lwana offered to provide for the UPM to be part of ward committee meetings. Ward committees are elected by residents to work with their respective ward councillors for a period of three years.
“He said he can’t deal with service delivery problems before the affected ward councillors have exhausted the issues,” said UPM spokesperson Wyclef Mfecane.
Mfecane added that Lwana expressed his willingness to give the UPM a platform during his mayoral imbizos which are scheduled to start later this month.
“We thought that he would be the right person to deal with our concerns but he said he’s not and now
we are panicking because we didn’t foresee this turn of events,” he said.
He added that Lwana referred the UPM’s requests for information pertaining to the filling of two posts in
the municipality to Julia Wells who heads the council’s social services portfolio committee.
In an attempt to uncover activities of corruption and nepotism in the municipality, the UPM filed formal
requests for all the records relevant to the recruitment and selection of a cleaner employed by Riebeeck
East library and the municipality’s human resource manager.
Maud Ndwayana – who was Makana’s Human Resources manager – has since resigned from the municipality for unspecified reasons.
Mfecane said the municipality confirmed receipt of the UPM’s Public Access to Information Act forms
which were used to request the information.
When contacted Lwana confirmed his meeting with the UPM leadership but refused to comment on the discussion.