The Grocott’s Mail Citizen Journalism Newsroom hosted a ceremony on Friday to award completion certificates to most of the 40 high school learners who participated in the first six-week Grocott’s Mail Citizen Journalism training course.
The Grocott’s Mail Citizen Journalism Newsroom hosted a ceremony on Friday to award completion certificates to most of the 40 high school learners who participated in the first six-week Grocott’s Mail Citizen Journalism training course.
The ceremony was overseen by Prof Harry Dugmore, the MTN Chair of Media and Mobile Communication at the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University, Grocott’s Mail New Media Editor Michael Salzwedel and Schools Outreach Officer at the Rhodes School of Journalism and Media Studies, Khaya Thonjeni.
During the course, the learners were taught basic computer literacy, internet skills, photography, principles of journalism and how to publish their own stories on Grocott’s Mail Online.