Archie Mbolekwa Senior Primary School’s dream to have a library has finally come true. The school is now boasting a new library which was officially opened by Sweetness Mgedezi, deputy chief education specialist on Friday.
Archie Mbolekwa Senior Primary School’s dream to have a library has finally come true. The school is now boasting a new library which was officially opened by Sweetness Mgedezi, deputy chief education specialist on Friday.
One of the school’s dedicated teachers -Diliza Hewana- had a vision and shared it with his colleagues who assisted him in fulfilling his (and the school’s) dream.
Through donations from various organisations, learners can now seize the opportunity to read and gain more knowledge from books.
Donors who gave the school a reason to celebrate include, The Friends of the Library, Grahamstown Rotary Club, Centre for Social Development, Department of Education, Bargain Books and Kingswood College.
The library, which used to be a storeroom, is now fully refurbished, fitted with new shelves filled with books, a TV and a digital camera .
Rod Amner from the Friends of the Library who is also a journalism lecturer says "the library is a powerful initiative for the school".
He also said that the school is fortunate to have it’s own library as there are other schools that are still struggling with such facilities.
Amner also showed learners an audio book and explained that it is available in various languages including, English, Afrikaans and Xhosa.
While congratulating the school for it’s achievement, Robin Solwandle, an education development specialist encouraged learners and educators to keep up the good work.
Solwandle says "having a library means that everyone in the school should use the available resources."
The school principal, Zola Mothlabane offered his gratitude to everyone involved and said he "is proud of having a dedicated staff at his school."
On the library door there’s a sign written "Ithalalethu" which is the Xhosa word for library. While doing the honours of cutting the ribbon and unlocking the door Mgedezi said that "the culture of reading should be nurtured."
Grade 7 learner, Elam Mfundisi says that he is excited because "the library will make help him get information when he has homework".
Another learner, Anele Chibi says "I don’t have to go far to do research for school work." To add to the celebration, the school choir blessed the new learning facility with a few choral songs.
Meanwhile a drama team acted out a scene that shows the importance of opening a book and reading what it contains.