Work came to a standstill at DD Siwisa Primary School last Thursday as parents picketed outside the school demanding that a principal be appointed as soon as possible.
Work came to a standstill at DD Siwisa Primary School last Thursday as parents picketed outside the school demanding that a principal be appointed as soon as possible.
"The parents are very furious because the school is becoming loose, teachers leave early, some report late for work while others even abscond because there’s no decisive head," said Theo Fulani, the former head of the school governing body (SGB). He accused the school’s acting principal known, who is known only as Mr Ngcwayi, of having an ineffective leaderhip style which has divided staff at the school.
"We want someone who is going to unite the school, our children are suffering from the low staff morale which prevails at this school," he explained. "This is a good school, it has been showered with awards for excellency in sports and arts, computers were donated to it and it also has good teachers." Lessons did not take place at the school because the picketing parents sent learners home as school was about to start. About 40 parents blowing vuvuzelas and waving placards on which were written: "We want that principal!" sang and danced in the school’s driveway.
A selection panel made up of SGB members and teachers made recommendations to the education department in June that a candidate be appointed as principal. "I was part of the selection process from shortlisting through interviews and we recommended three candidates in order of preference," said Fulani.
He added that four candidates had been shortlisted for interviews by the panel of seven and that the new principal was supposed to assume official duties at the beginning of the school term. He said that two weeks into the term they wrote to the district office of the education department and were informed that the selection process was on hold due to a dispute which had been filed.
He maintained that all seven members of the panel including observers from the teachers’ trade unions and the department were satisfied with the selection process as it is reflected in the minutes of their meetings. "It’s not clear how this dispute arised and from whom, because the panel is happy with its recommendations," he added.
Another member of the selection panel Nteshenteshe Mgxotheni said they are angry because their children were facing a bleak future due to the "carefree actions of teachers whose children go to schools in town. We appointed a principal last term but the department overruled the appointment without telling us why," he said.
The parents threatened to take further steps if the department dragged its feet in resolving the issue. "We vow that we’ll continue to follow this matter until its logical conclusion," warned Fulani.
When approached for comment the school management refused to comment on the matter and referred enquiries to the department. The department’s spokesperson Malibongwe Mtima said he cannot comment on the matter because "our team is currently attending to this matter at the school. The delegations is led by Mr Stamper from our district offices in Gtahamstown," he added.
Fulani, who is also a Makana councillor, later told Grocott’s Mail that a crisis resolution committee has been formed. He added that the committee is made up of two members of the previous SGB, another from the current SGB and two teachers. The committee will be meeting with district director Thamsanqa Fetsha and a representative from the department’s human resources department today.