A meeting was called after concerned Eluxolweni residents demanded that their housing complaints be heard.
A meeting was called after concerned Eluxolweni residents demanded that their housing complaints be heard.
The meeting was held at the Eluxolweni community hall on Tuesday evening. There were two major issues that were raised. Firstly, because RDP houses are sold for only R600 per unit, some residents get greedy and register houses in the names of their relatives. The other issue discussed was that of alleged corruption and nepotism where residents are evicted from their plots to make way for residents from other areas. Building material meant for the RDP houses has also been reported stolen and sold.
The meeting was chaired by Mzukisi Mdiza and Mzuvukile Sonanzi, Eluxolweni residents who believe that the current committee that liases with the residents, the builders and the municipality should be disbanded. Sonanzi told the residents that "we want to change the committee and we are not fighting anyone but corruption". He then added that part of the problem is that the councillors, especially Ward 8 Councillor Nomazwi Fuku, is never available to clarify these matters. The only councillor present at the meeting was Zamuxolo Peter who later said that he is only there to help out in his newly formed capacity as the chairperson of the land and housing committee. He explained that “with the ascension to office of the new mayor, I have been shifted around from corporate services to being the chairperson of the land and housing committee”.
Mdiza explained that he asked a resident to stand in for him to show the builders what to do but he believes her to be corrupt. However, Sonanzi added that there is "not only one person who is involved in this corruption but there are other accomplices who I know and can name and shame”. He also said that “we want to write a letter to the municipality to request that houses should be allocated by us not by the discredited committee members anymore”. Mdiza then proceeded to name all the residents they believe are involved in corrupt practices.
One of the alleged corrupt committee members tried to defend herself and got involved in an altercation with Mdiza, who was visibly outraged by the situation. Sonanzi had to calm him down before he could announce that the current committee will be disbanded and a new one be appointed on Tuesday. Apart from those who had been named and shamed, the residents unanimously accepted this proposal. Mdiza further proposed that “when the time comes to hand in the keys, the original list of plot owners should be used to read out the names of those who are legitimate owners”. This was met with murmurs of approval.
Some residents complained about the unavailability of their ward councillor and the unsavoury experience they had had with the outgoing committee members. One elderly man related his experience with Kaizer Nkxamleko, the head of housing at Makana Municipality, whom he said “lacked ubuntu and hardly acknowledged other people as human beings”. Some of the alleged corrupt members of the outgoing committee who were present at the meeting refuted the allegations levelled against them. However, Mdiza emphasised the fact that “we are prepared to go to court as we have enough evidence”. Sonanzi reminded the meeting that the gathering was not about refuting the allegations but about registering residents’ grievances against corruption.
It was then that councillor Peter was given a chance to speak. "I was never a councillor of your area as my jurisdiction was Riebeeck East, Sidbury and Alicedale," he explained.
"However, I was requested to assist in your area since your legitimate councillor, Fuku, was suspended by the African National Congress”. Peter advised the residents to ask the municipality about Fuku servicing her ward while she awaits her appeal regarding the suspension. "After all," he added, "she still goes to the municipality offices to do her other duties."