The local Education department has embarked on an initiative to improve the end of year matric results. Grahamstown schools were ranked third in the Eastern Cape.
The local Education department has embarked on an initiative to improve the end of year matric results. Grahamstown schools were ranked third in the Eastern Cape.
Eugene Marais, a subject advisor for Life Orientation and Afrikaans for secondary schools at the Department of Education said, "This initiative is an intervention strategy for us to be able to improve the results of the Grade 12 learners in the province."
Marais said the department previously offered winter and spring schools but attendance was poor, and they realised the need to further the initiative to improve results.
Saturday classes of one hour will be held at Nombulelo High School for matric scholars to catch up on their work. Additionally a radio programme will be broadcast every Thursday on Radio Grahamstown from 6 -7pm.
"The classes may be similar to the winter and spring classes however the radio and media coverage that we will be getting will hopefully improve attendance compared to previous years," Marais said.
The teachers who have been asked to facilitate the classes are also invited to attend national workshops to improve their teaching skills. Subject advisors have been conducting moderations at various schools partaking in on-site visits as part of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS).
Student assistants from Rhodes University will also help the learners during lessons. Marais stresses the need for full commitment from learners, parents and guardians in making the initiative a success.
"As the Department of Education we would like to encourage all the Grade 12s and we wish them the best in their studies," he said.