Sporting activities at Rhodes University have returned to normal, it was announced yesterday by Roger Adams, Head of Sport at the university.
Sporting activities at Rhodes University have returned to normal, it was announced yesterday by Roger Adams, Head of Sport at the university.
"Sporting activities will return to normal with immediate effect, except for Inter-residence and Internal league sport which will resume next Monday 17 August. The Health Suite and Swimming Pool will also reopen," he said in an official university communique.
This comes after it was announced on 6 August that all sport at Rhodes had been suspended due to flu concerns.
"We still encourage people to make responsible decisions about taking part in physical activity given that there is still a very high prevalence of flu around. Furthermore, managers, coaches and captains of teams will be encouraged to advise and monitor players carefully for matches and practices. This is consistent with practices elsewhere, such as the Interprovincial Schools Hockey Tournament which took place in Grahamstown over the last weekend without incident."
Adams added that this weekend’s Inter-varsity sports tournament, to be hosted at Rhodes, would go ahead as planned if a resolution was reached in the Rhodes/NEHAWU strike. Grocott’s Mail Online reported this morning that the strike had ended, which means the Inter-varsity tournament should now proceed as planned.